Lily Creek Farms Therapeutic Riding Center
Our Mission is to help individuals heal mind, body, and spirit through equine assisted and farm related activities.
Hello, I am Mamee and I’m a 26 year old Haflinger. I came to Lily Creek not long ago, in 2023 but man am I really enjoying it. I do a pretty wide variety of lessons, I can take care of the beginners but I also really enjoy getting to be a part of the more advanced lessons. I’m really good at loping with clients and I’ve even had a toy bow and arrow shot off of me, it’s really cool! I also really enjoy pulling a cart and my humans have lots of fun riding in the cart! Because I am a senior citizen I do have Cushings disease, but I still don't think it's fair they won't let me have any sweets!
Hey, I might be 26, but age is just a number right!
Created in 2018, Duke's Memorial Fund helps with the care and veterinary expenses for all animals at the farm. In addition to the animals we have lost, the fund is a memorial to two of our volunteers who left us too soon: Mark Bakle and Hayden Bevard.
My name is Sammi and I’m 19 years old. I’m a Haflinger and I’ve been with Lily Creek for 7 years. Everybody says I’m very pretty but I don’t act like it, I just want to play outside with my friends. For a few years, I was not feeling well and not acting like my normal self. I had numerous treatments for various possible illnesses with very little success. My caregivers knew how great of a horse I am and did not want to give up on me, but they were running out of options. Miraculously, they tried one last thing to treat me, and I am HEALED! It may come back someday but for know I am so happy to be feeling great and getting back into shape! I think my small human friends are happy too as they missed me a lot!
Meet the Herd
Our programs would not be possible without our amazing equine partners. Please take a scroll through their page and learn all about what makes them special.
Hi! I’m Dakota! I’m the smallest of the herd, but I don’t let that stop me from having the loudest whiney! I’m 16 years old and I’ve been with Lily Creek for 10 years. I’m a miniature pony so I’m travel size, which means I go to a lot of our events. I wear a lot of ribbon, sparkles, and flowers. I also help when clients might be a little intimidated by the bigger horses, I’m the perfect size to help grow confidence. You might even see me pulling a cart! Wouldn’t I be so cute?
Hello, my name is Austin. I'm one of the giants of the barn. I am a draft horse who enjoys taking naps in the sunshine and playing with my friends. I am a very good riding companion and I love taking care of our adults and older kids. I arrived in December of 2023. I have started driving our carriage and love to go on trail rides too.
I require you to focus on me when you are with me so you can help me feel confident and important.
I'm Andi, I'm a 23 year old Selle Francais. Yes I promise that's a real breed of horse. I love attention and I will not hesitate to ask (politely) for a treat. Something interesting about me is I have flown on a plane across the ocean and I've been to college! I did jumping at the University of Findlay English Farm. I am semi retired but learning now how to be a therapeutic riding horse here at Lily Creek, I only just arrived in February 2024!
I am Stetson and I’m 26 years old! I arrived in November 2023. I am a quarter horse and I’m very tall and handsome! I do a lot of lessons that involve some of our more advanced kids, as sometimes I like to go fast! I’m very polite and quite on the ground and I really behave myself in lessons, which makes the humans like me even more. My toes turn in a little bit, but as long as my shoes are on, I am in tip top shape.
Hi everyone I'm Tony! I am 21 years old. I am an off the track thoroughbred ( I won a lot of money in my younger years) and man do I love to play. I can do all kinds of ballet like leaps in the air, I might just try out for a dance team! I am best friends with Andi and I also went to college at the University of Findlay English Farm. I am very happy in lessons and you can throw any toy you like at me and I won't flinch!
What's that noise? It's me! Mac! I'm a Mediterranean Miniature Donkey and I am not afraid to let everyone know, my brays can be heard across the farm. I came to Lily Creek Farms with Austin. I am still a little skittish of new people and I am working pretty hard on that. However, I will trust anyone with a carrot! I really like my life at Lily Creek and I am now a part of Team Lily so I travel around a lot to preschools, daycares, and nursing homes to help spread the good vibes of Lily Creek and get lots of carrots!
Thank You Heather's Day Care for sponsoring me!
Hi, I'm Crystal and I'm a 24 year old quarter horse. I've helped a lot of 4H kiddos learn how to ride and show horses and now I'm very excited to become a therapeutic riding horse. II arrived at Lily Creek in April 2024.I am a very well behaved lady and I take very good care of my kids but I am a gorgeous girl and I enjoy being a princess. Who wouldn’t if they were as pretty as me? I help a lot of the beginner kids when they start to learn how to ride. I am dependable and can do just about any lesson you want. I also know I'm really happy I met my new friend Mac. Me and Mac are best buddies.
I'm Banjo! I'm brand new to Lily Creek, I just arrived in April 2024. I am a 5 year old draft horse, so I'm pretty young. In case you can't tell from my picture, I'm gorgeous and I'm not afraid to say it. strut my stuff and if you don't notice my brilliant gray color you'll sure hear my big draft hooves! I have just joined my first couple lessons as I am very young so I underwent a good bit of training. I am very good at making emotional connections and sending calming vibes to our students. I also pull the carriage at our events here at the farm.
My name is Flash. I arrived at Lily Creek in April 2024 with Banjo. There is one major difference between me and him..... our size. I'm a 6 year old Hackney pony cross. I strut my stuff even more than Banjo does. I sure know how to look pretty. I had a bit of a rough past before Lily Creek, I was malnourished and mistreated. so I am just learning how to trust people again. I get better and better everyday though. I might want to join the carriage driving team or future show team. With a pony as Flashy as me how could I not? See what I did there?

Hello! My name is Annie! I came to Lily Creek with Mamee in 2023. We are best friends! Everyone thought I was 6 years old which was part of why I did not know much more than how to walk with a rider! Much to the humans surprise, my previous owners stopped by and now everyone knows I am really 14 years old! I have some dietary and supplement needs even though I am kind of young, but I have helped with a lot of beginners in the therapeutic riding programs and I have a really long mane that the kids really like to brush and braid which I’m very thankful for! Sometimes my hay gets stuck in it and that’s embarrassing!
My name is Dyani! I’m going to cut to the chase, I love food! There is not a piece of hay or grain that I won’t eat! I’m 20 years old and I’ve been with Lily Creek for 10 years! I’m a mustang/percheron cross. I really like attention and I will come up to you for pets (as long as there’s no food nearby!). I’ve been on a little bit of a break, because I'm getting older and am now insulin resistant. But I have lost some weight and I’m slowly getting back into our programming and I’m very happy about it! I do ground work with our clients to help them learn things other than riding. I also am very good at helping clients who need emotional connection, I am a very sweet girl.
Hi! I’m Reba, I am a 19 year old quarter horse and I arrived at Lily Creek farms in July 2024. I used to be a barrel horse which means I know how to run very fast. But I am a very good girl and I will only go fast if you ask me to. I take care of our advanced students in lessons and I teach them a lot about how to control and feel their energy.
Age is just a number, and you would never guess by the way I act what my number is!
Hello, I’m Flag. I arrived at Lily Creek in July 2024 with Reba, she is my best bud, although I’ve made lots of new friends here. I am the old man of the barn at 30 years old. Yes you heard that correct, 30 years old. Needless to say I’ve been there and done that. I am good with our beginner students and teaching them how to get comfortable in the saddle.
Hello! My name is Bell! I am 19 years old and I arrived at Lily Creek in September 2024. I have not entered into lessons yet because I am working on building up my muscles. I am a draft horse so I will take care of a lot of our adult students. I am a very sweet girl and I am always down for a good scratch on the head and a cuddle. Before I came here, I have been on trails, in parades, pulled. Wagon, and was even a school mascot! I know I will be a big help here!